Tag Archives: chattanooga vintage

The 2025 Schedule

All events are at our location, 403 High St, Ringgold GA. Some events are indoor, some are outdoor, and some are both. If you are interested in applying for an outdoor space at one of our markets, you can call us at (706) 935-7333 for instructions on how to apply. Spaces do fill up fast, so contact us and let’s sell some stuff!

We will never reach out through social media to fill market spaces. Don’t fall for Spammers!

The 2025 Schedule

Spring Open House
March 7th & 8th

Spring Junk Market
April 18th & 19th
during the Ringgold City-Wide Junk Market

Downtown Ringgold Dolly Days
May 10th

June Yard Sale
June 6th & 7th

Fall Junk Market
September 19th & 20th
during the Ringgold City-Wide Junk Market

Christmas Open House
November 7th & 8th

Fall High Cotton Market

Friday and Saturday
September 20 and 21, 2019

Admission and Parking is FREE

The High Cotton Market is the largest outdoor Antique Market in the Chattanooga Area. Truckloads of great stuff will fill 30 booths in our parking lot and 43 spaces inside our store.

Held during the town-wide Ringgold Junk Market, this is a great time to find that unique item for your decor, for that Pinterest Project or for that Fixer Upper.

Admission and Parking is FREE

403 High Street
Ringgold, GA  30736
Just South of Chattanooga, TN off I-75
(706) 935-7333